4.1 is a patch release for 4.0 that only touches a few systems.

Tested On: PennMUSH 1.8.2 p 8

  • Staff Jobs - Fixed the job system installer, which wasn’t setting the functions object wizard.
  • Room Parents - Fixed the tie-in with the +map command (it was using LEVEL instead of AREA). Fixed exit spacing to handle 4-letter exit names.
  • Weather - Fixed the weather installer, which wasn’t setting the object wizard and had the override turned on by default.

Upgrade Notes : I wouldn’t bother upgrading for this version. If you really want the room parent changes, just grab the EXITFORMAT and NAMEFORMAT attributes manually. If your weather or jobs system is malfunctioning, just set the Job Functions and Weather Generator objects wizard, and use +weather/clear to turn off the weather override.